The Project is located on the hill of Ashgabat between the Archeological Site (Nisa) which was built 250 BC and Hotel Ildiz, Kiptchak Mosque and the TV tower. The idea is to build a Building / Monument that will look like a Historic Palace from the same Era of Nisa (someone to imagine how it would have looked like if it was built at that time). The Project Plot (entire site) areas is 14 Ha. The Project Built-up Net Surface is 80,000 m². Xavier Cartron’s Architecture and Interior Design was chosen by the President of Turkménistan as part of International Design Competition. A study and research on the Parthian style was carried out in order to adapt to the project’s contemporary dimensions and functions. The Poject is done in collaboration with M/s Vinci the Main Design and Build Contractor for the Project.
2018 - Work in progress
Delegation Hotel
Design in Progress
80 000m²

Xavier Cartron Agency disposes of a modern and comprehensive its infrastructure for developing studies using AUTO-CAD software. The concept design images are developed in 3D. However, Xavier Cartron still gives a great importance for a tangible approach in finding the sensitivity and the essence of the project expressed on paper by the designer’s hand.
Some clients favour traditional design approach in their project, Consequently, Xavier Cartron offer them the opportunity of discovering the charm and sensitivity of hand-drawn perspectives, water colour elevations, redrawn and shaded motives. These projects are afterwards expressed in digital images in line with the actual modern communication techniques.
It is quite usual for our Agency to manage major large size projects in many different parts of the world. As a result, all teams are used to dealing with different international standards and norms.
Visitez notre site internet : www.xaviercartron-paris.fr