From Paris to Mexico City, Orlinski Design was involved in the design and the renovation of Interior Spaces for the exclusive exhibitions of the French Artist RICHARD ORLINSKI. These resolutely modern and predominantly white spaces are designed to make way for the artist's colorful works. The concept of each of these galleries is directly inspired by the aesthetics of the works on display.
2017 - 2019
Exhibition Design
Designed and Constructed
Paris 100 m² | Courchevel 70 m2 | Londres 120 m2 | Mexico 100 m2 | Singapour 105 m2 | Saint-Tropez 105 m2

Orlinski Design is a design and interior design agency, which identity’s based on the boldness and the complementarity of two multidisciplinary artists. True Laboratory of ideas and creation, Orlinski Design builds bridges between the sculptural and strongly contemporary universe of Richard Orlinski and daily life, relied on all the esthetic and technical expertise of Xavier Cartron. More than a simple exercise, Orlinski Design questions and shakes up our habits, offers to set up everyday life in a positive dimension, to carry with “an open-heart” emotion and imagination, to visualize and make reachable creation as a stakeholder of future. Then, from the smallest design product to the biggest architectural project, Orlinski Design thinks about every facet of a project, to respond to every desire, every ambition that could awake optimism.
Visitez notre site internet : http://orlinskidesign.fr