The Project consists of a Governemental Building and an Official Reception Building within Y.M. Palace Complex. Located on a 5-hectare plot within an Official of Administration area, the building is surrounded by buildings from different eras of various styles. Xavier Cartron Agency has been selected to design the Architecture of this royal project representing a total area of about 27,000 m². The project aims to embody the 21st century through its Architecture. The outer shell, symbolizing the rock, rests on glass walls that lighten the whole. Like an oasis, the patio contrasts with the outside by incorporating elements of Islamic art. A bioclimatic component has been developed to minimize the impact on the environment. The use of bioclimatic principles (passive/active) : shade, venturi effect, double skin, water management, and by the use of elements such as solar panels, wind turbines, energy recovery on the pavement, etc.. This building will be a showcase and an Architectural Educational Place for the new generations.
Oger International
27 000 m²

Xavier Cartron Agency disposes of a modern and comprehensive its infrastructure for developing studies using AUTO-CAD software. The concept design images are developed in 3D. However, Xavier Cartron still gives a great importance for a tangible approach in finding the sensitivity and the essence of the project expressed on paper by the designer’s hand.
Some clients favour traditional design approach in their project, Consequently, Xavier Cartron offer them the opportunity of discovering the charm and sensitivity of hand-drawn perspectives, water colour elevations, redrawn and shaded motives. These projects are afterwards expressed in digital images in line with the actual modern communication techniques.
It is quite usual for our Agency to manage major large size projects in many different parts of the world. As a result, all teams are used to dealing with different international standards and norms.
Visitez notre site internet : www.xaviercartron-paris.fr